Monday, February 21, 2011

An Addendum:

"The Viennese feel an inexplicable tenderness for this ancient landmark, an attachment which became very evident during the last days of the Second World War. The Russians already held the Inner City, while the Germans had withdrawn to the Danube Canal where they were desperately trying to hold their positions. In the ensuing battle, St. Stephen's came directly into their firing line and the roof of the Cathedral caught fire. Word went from mount to mouth that St. Stephen's was burning and the Viennese came from all over the city to help extinguish the flames. When this was accomplished, they helped extricate ever piece of broken vaulting or statuary from the ashes and rubble in order to ensure the possibility of its future reconstruction." - an anecdote about Stephansdom from Henriette Mandl's "In Search of Vienna: Walking Tours of the City."

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